Christ Ahnsahnghong is the 2nd coming Jesus who came to the earth for our salvation. Christ Ahnsahnghong came here in the flesh, as a man, he also has the date of birth.
Last Dec. 25, 2011 was the 94th Anniversary of the birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong. How did the members of WMSCOG prepare the 94th anniversary of the birth of Chist Ahnsahnghong?
They prepared the anniversary of the birth of Ahnsahnghong as doing volunteer activity. The members of World mission society church of God helped neighbors, hold clean up campaign and blood drives.
Christ Ahnsahnghong gave us everlasting love when he dwell in this earth. And he sacrificed his whole days for our salvation. As Christ ahnsahnghong showed us love, we wanted to deliver God's love to the world.
[Sharing Love and Happiness With Neighbors
at the 94th Anniversary of the Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong]
Nation | Korea
Date | December 26, 2011
Before and after the anniversary of Christ Ahnsahnghong’s birth, there were various events that took place throughout the world to tell people about Christ’s second coming and to put His love into practice.
In Korea, the members from each local Church organized diverse events to help their neighbors who were getting through a cold and tough winter. They comforted their neighbors by providing free haircuts and holding charity bazaars, and they also donated food and daily necessities to senior citizens living alone and to parentless households. They extended their warm hands even to the writers in need who did not receive much attention from people.
Moreover, they personally delivered gifts to government offices including police stations and fire stations. By doing so, they conveyed God’s love to many people.
There were also large-scale environmental cleanup campaigns. The members actively carried out cleanup campaigns in various parts of the downtown area—in nearby towns and around the stations—as well as at the major rivers and mountains such as the Geumhogang (Riv.), the Seomjingang (Riv.), and the Gwanaksan (Mt.).

A : I have some question about Ansahnghong and want to know WMSCOG further more. What should I do?
B : Why don't u visit this Site! WWW.WMSCOG.ORG It will provide biblical and logical answer in your questions.
Clean the World!:-)
ReplyDeletePreach the love of God.