According to the Bible, it is only the church of God that is bought with God's own blood.

First, let us know what is church's name, God established.
Ac 20:28 / Be shepherds of the church of
God, which he bought with his own blood.
1 Co 1:2 / To the church of God in Corinth..
Gal 1:13 / I (Paul) persecuted the church of God..
1Co 11:22 / Do you despise the church of God?
So The church's name, Jesus established is the church of God.
Then what does it mean that "he bought with his own blood">
Through the Bible, we can know that we all are anger even sinner, committed in heaven.
We, heaven's sinners should receive redemption through Christ's scrifice's blood. If we don't receive redemption, we can't go back to heaven, our soul's hometown
Then, how can we take part in Christ's blood, forgiving our sins.
Eph 1:7 / We have redemption through his (Christ's) blood.
1 Co 10:16 / The cup of thanksgiving is a participation in the blood of Christ.
What is the cup of thankspiving?
Lk 22:20 / This cup (the wine of the Passover) is the new covenant in my (Jesus') blood.
Therefore, the cup of thanksgiving means the wine of the Passover.
Then, among so many churches, which church we should go?
That's world mission society the church of God, keeping Passover, forgiven our soul's sins.
World mission society church of God keeps Passover as God's teaching.
If you want to get redemption, come to world mission society church of God.
World Mission Society Church Of God is really good.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that go there.
If you read this,
ReplyDeleteYou can follow God's will. It depends on your decision.
many people think that catholic church is the oldest church in human history. however, through the bible we can clearly see that the oldest and original church that was established by Jesus is Church of God. Come and see the truth of God and let's go to heaven together!
ReplyDeleteWorld Mission Society Church of God even have same church name with early church! It's becuz Holy spirit established the Church of God!